Some Organising Principles (2024)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 76.2 HOrion (2024)
Mixed Media, 66.67 W x 76.2HFive by Five - Facing North (2024)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 66.67 H
Aurous (2023) (Exhibited ‘30X30’ Online Exhibition, SSA 125th Annual Exhibition, 2023) Mixed Media, 30 W x 30 H
The SongMan and the Two Suns (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 66.67 HBetween the Moon, and the Good of All Things (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 66.67 HNon Aliter (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 66.67 H
For the Good of Others II (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 76.2 HReturn Path to the Stars II (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 76.2 HIn the Time of No Time (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 66.67 HNot Otherwise (2023)
Mixed Media, 66.67 W x 76.2HThe Day Keeper (2023)
Mixed Media, 60.9 W x 60.9 HC-Minus Pentatonic (2023)
Mixed Media, 40.64 W x 30.48 HReturn Path to the Stars I (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 76.2 HCounter of Days (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 76.2 HOde to an Oscillating Universe (2023)
Mixed Media, 38.1 W x 38.1 HA Song for the Mother Tree (2023)
Mixed Media, 30.48 W x 40.64 HDreamers (2023)
Mixed Media, 76.2 W x 76.2 HIt’s Raining and Umbrellas Are in Full Bloom. I Return to this (2021) (Exhibited Every Woman Biennial 2021)
Mixed Media, 101.6 W x 76.2 H